Village of Iliamna
Iliamna Village Council
Current updates
Updated 8-17-2023
A Public Hearing was held on July 21, 2023 to solicit comments on the proposed Newhalen River Bridge Project. The Summary Report for the Public Hearing is now available. To review the report, please click the button below. If you have any questions, please email info@villageofiliamna.org.
Updated 6-19-2023
lliamna Village Council
PUBLIC NOTICE is given to all persons in the (Region/City/Village) of lliamna, Alaska that a public hearing will be held from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM on July 21, 2023, at the lliamna Village Council New Tribal Building, to solicit comments on proposed Newhalen River Bridge Project that are required by federal law 25 CFR 170.435. These regulations govern public hearing requirements for a project under the Tribal Transportation Program. The proposed project Scope and NEPA documents are on file on the lliamna Village Council Website at www.villageofiliamna.org.
The proposed regulations are intended to govern the process a Tribe is required to administer as part of a TTPTIP, a LRTP, or a project.
Project Location: This project is located 14 miles north of the lliamna Airfield.
Type of Improvement Planned: Construct an approximately 250 meter (m) (750') long, two-lane, steel girder bridge over the Newhalen River.
Dates and Schedule for work: Anticipated start of construction is Summer of 2024 with completion scheduled Fall of 2027.
Name and Address where more information is available:
lliamna Village Council
PO Box 286
lliamna, Alaska 99606
Provisions for Requesting a Hearing:
§ 170.435 When is a public hearing required?
The Tribe, or BIA, or FHWA after consultation with the appropriate Tribe and other involved agencies, determines whether or not a public hearing is needed for a TTPTIP, a LRTP, or a project. A public hearing must be held if a project:
(a) Is for the construction of a new route or facility;
(b) Would significantly change the layout or function of connecting or related roads or streets;
(c) Would cause a substantial adverse effect on adjacent property; or
(d) Is controversial or expected to be controversial in nature.
All persons interested are invited to attend this hearing and be heard. Written comments may be submitted to:
lliamna Village Council , Tribal Administrator
Updated 1-1-2022
COVID-19 Hours
The office has reopened in a limited capacity with safety precautions in place. Please contact us via phone or email to resolve questions without in-person risks. If necessary, call to ask about hours and safety before visiting the office.
ICDBG-ARP Tiny Homes Grant:
The Village of Iliamna is soliciting input from tribal members regarding a grant opportunity to develop housing (tiny homes) in the community to reduce the impact of COVID-19. We are currently accepting and considering comments on the project. For more information, and to safely submit a comment, click here.
New Landfill Hours:
Monday 10AM-12PM
Thursday 4PM-6PM
NON-Burnable gate will be open every Thursday
The mission of the Village of Iliamna is to offer assistance and services to our tribal members through sharing knowledge to guide future generations in the values of kindness and dedication, while honoring the stories of our past, the ancestral waters and lands that provide for families, and our way of life.
Making A Difference

Culture Programs
Youth Activities
We provide Culture related activities for school-aged kids, we encourage adult family members to attend and help.
Reinforcing our Commitment
social services for children

Indian General Assistance Program

Federal Highway/Fire Department
IVC has a Firetruck and a Volunteer Fire Department

Public Comments
Please use the form on the right to submit public comment on the Tiny Homes Project to the Village.